Roma Tre UniStore launches an innovative environment that goes beyond the concept of a university store to become a point of reference for students, lecturers and...
Costumer reception, safety and trust, three of the main focuses for their new strategy. The objective for 2017 is to increase and strengthen the Camplus network brand...
Cultur-e won the bid to provide editorial services, writing and management of commercial digital channels for Enel Group (,...
A new web identity and user experience for the site of UNSSC (United Nations System Staff College), the structure that offers higher education courses and specialized...
Cultur-e launches the network’s new brand, designed by Inarea for Iberotel Apulia, an oasis of wellness in the heart of Salento, surrounded by green Ugento pine...
A new adventure for the Cultur-e content team. From October 2016, the hi-tech writers will procure the drafting of topical and analysis articles for the vortal Libero...
The Iren Group once againg chooses Cultur-e for the management of their social media channels. The first objective was to position the company and promote its services...
The Arab countries are now some of the most active in foreign investments. Despite the relations established in the past years, the development potential of the Italian...
University residences, apartments, hotels and guest houses. The whole Camplus selection has a common denominator: hospitality. The facilities and services provided by...
In the impressive setting of the nocturnal excavation, a new communication plan was presented to the Superintendence of Pompeii. In addition to the new visual identity...
After winning a bid, Cultur-e won the assignment to develop the new web identity and restyling of the website for UNSSC – United Nations System Staff College -a...