
In June 2013, we started an important Social Intelligence project for Widiba, the digital bank introduced by Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS). Cultur-e was responsible for monitoring the web reputation of MPS and its competitors, as well as the on-line performance of the new service launch campaign.


Designing a Digital Bank with Its Users

When the collaboration began, the new bank did not even have a name. Right from the outset, the aim was to listen to the opinions of users to identify a best practice, new market needs and provide useful guidelines for developing a new on-line bank that would be close to people and provide answers to the new needs of on-line users.

Once the digital bank was launched, the objective was to monitor the launch campaign and the public’s initial impressions to evaluate the success of the project and its ability to influence the concept of a traditional bank.


  • Social Media Intelligence Strategy
  • Ongoing Monitoring
  • Brand Reputation Analysis
  • Analysis of Competitors
  • Analysis of Campaign Trends
  • Development of Social Leads

Social Media Intelligence, Analysis of Competitors and the Launch Campaign

2013 – 2014: Cultur-e was selected to monitor and analyse on-line conversations, develop a monitoring strategy, perform daily qualitative-quantitative analyses on sentiments, places, influencers, virality and produce monthly reputational reports on MPS and its competitors, as well as weekly and daily reports on the Widiba launch campaign. Moreover, Cultur-e also coordinated social lead development activities and monitored conversations abroad (Greece, Turkey, Arab Emirates) to understand and quantify the reputation of AXA.

Social Media Intelligence as a Design Tool

The system activated by Cultur-e allowed the client to collect opinions and needs on banking services that were useful to design the new bank and optimize it.