In 2016, United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC), the training agency of the United Nations, decided to carry out a restyling of its internet portal.
The project we implemented radically innovates the rigorous and uncommunicative style still in use in all the agencies of the Organisation, gaining recognition and acclaim.


Renewing the United Nations from a Website

UNSSC is a centre of excellence providing advanced training courses for United Nations agencies. The aim is to contribute to innovating the UN system, introducing streamlined processes, greater coordination and a result-oriented culture that can provide answers to the challenges posed by society. The website restyling request focused on relaunching the college services and promoting their quality and efficacy, increasing awareness of its educational packages and activating an ongoing relation with course participants.
The new portal will be the first step towards a complete renewal of the UN world, launching a new image and communications model that will attract other agencies.


  • Data Analysis
  • On-line Reputation Analysis
  • Communication strategy
  • Editorial Project
  • Design and User Experience
  • Development and Publishing
  • Training

Development of a Responsive and User-centred Portal

In 2016, Cultur-e designed and followed every aspect of the portal’s development, supporting UNSSC and its managers and officers in the important on-line innovation process. The restyled website presented a web identity in line with the most advanced web standards, including responsive user-centred design, and new, regularly updated, content to promote the diffusion of knowledge and the innovative solutions proposed by the college for peace keeping and sustainable development.

Internal Success and Interactive Key Award

Upon its launch at the end of 2016, the portal was met with vast consensus by the college.
In 2017, it received an award at the 18th edition of the  Interactive Key Awards as best B2B website, standing out for its communicational style and opening the road for the United Nations to interact in a new way with digital media users.