Cisl Scuola
Increase credibility and bring value to the school workers’ union, covering the key issues to consolidate and improve the perception of the union reality and trust in it. With this objective, Cisl Scuola has entrusted Cultur-e with the new presence strategy on social channels that enhances community involvement through high-quality content.
Cisl Scuola is a trade union organisation whose presence is spread across the entire Italian territory. The objectives proposed are the solidarity unity of the school workers, with fundamental respect for the human person, together with their full involvement in the management of the training process through active participation in the life and organisation of the school. The union’s presence strategy on the social channels takes shape from these specificities, consolidating its online presence by building a relationship with the addressed targets, as part of a broader communication strategy that aims to enhance visibility and recognisability of Cisl Scuola in the country system.
- Content strategy
- Social media strategy
- Social governance
- Social media management
- KPIs monitoring
Benchmark analysis, content and social media strategy
Expanding the union’s scope of action, creating a social narrative of interest to all people who work in the world of school, is the mission that drives the work of Cultur-e for Cisl Scuola. Developed after an assessment and competitive analysis activity, the social and content strategy of the first national trade union in the sector disseminates brand messages in a multi-format key and through an offer of valuable content consistent with the positioning and communication objectives: to place the individual as part of a broader community and enhance the narrative of the union as a key actor in policies of solidarity, social justice and economic development.
2023-2024: Benchmark analysis, Content strategy, Social Media Strategy, KPIs monitoring model.
“Personally, but collectively”, the social voice of Cisl Scuola
What do people need and how can we help them? The social voice of Cisl Scuola answers this question through multi-format and multi-channel contents that reach a target interested both in the union’s themes and values (protection of school workers, respect for the principles of freedom and democracy) and in those linked to school and training (education, growth, knowledge, use of technologies). The synergy between the voice of Cisl Scuola and that of its representatives and members is thus built and consolidated, promoting effective and valuable messages online in support of the brand.