Fondazione CittàItalia

For the European Day of Culture, the Fondazione CittàItalia organised a solidarity marathon in Italian cities to collect funds for the restoration of art works. From 2004 to 2008, Cultur-e was selected to develop and update a web site to promote the campaign and fundraising.


Creating a Community of Art Lovers and Donors

The Foundation for the Cultural Heritage of the City was created to safeguard and promote Italian cultural heritage though the collaboration of public and private parties to involve citizens by raising awareness on local beauty. The objective is to create a community of art enthusiasts actively and permanently collecting funds for the restoration of buildings, monuments and art works.


  • Editorial Project
  • UX/UI Design
  • Development of Website and Platform for On-line Donations
  • CMS Publishing
  • Multimedia Content
  • On-line PR

Development of a Website and Viral Marketing Activities

2005/2008 – Website and on-line PR, designing and developing the Foundation website, developing text and translations for the annual campaign editions. Development of an on-line PR campaign.

2005 – Viral marketing with media by Gorillart, a web cartoon in three episodes with funny gorillas dealing with art and the safeguard of cultural heritage. The three episodes were promoted on-line via viral marketing activities.

Fundraising On-line Via Word of Mouth

The fundraising campaign picked up momentum around the website and viral marketing activities, efficient “word of mouth” and the involvement of Italian citizens.